Aletheans. We have a announcement of new pod staking period.

Aletheans! We have a announcement of new pod staking period 🥳 "You may now stake your Personality Pod in our staking contract to be eligible for rewards once the Staking Campaign goes live on March 1st. Note: If you are currently staked, you are all set and there is nothing more that needs to be done! State of the Ark Address - Epoch 1 As I was planning this announcement, I realized that we have so much to cover that a Discord update is not adequate. Exactly We have decided to hold our second State of the Ark address with @arkhan on Monday, February 28th at 1 PM EST. We will cover pod staking and its rewards and many other new things coming to The Ark. We will share a zoom link at that time and allow everyone to join. You will not want to miss this, but we will record it and share it with everyone if you do! A Alethean-Invite-Alethean Contest As we are getting ready for the State of the Ark Address, we want to run a contest and giveaway 3 Level 1 Personality Pods! For this contest, we are focused on onboarding new members into Noah’s Ark! The top three members who have invited the most people to our discord using their link will win a Level 1 Personality Pod. Steps to participate: - Create an invite to our discord - To do this, right click on #noah’s-ark and click “Invite” - Then, copy your personal Invite code - Share it and have people join our community! Hype This contest will end on Thursday, March 3rd! We can see the number of members for each invite link and share the winners in our Discord! Members will need to stay in our discord to count!"