Human biology and technology may look antithetical to each other, but not everyone believes that.

Human biology and technology may look antithetical to each other, but not everyone believes that!😱 And that's how Artificial Neural Networks were born in AI. Let's unravel the Genesis of ANNs in this thread...🧵 1/8

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McCulloch & Pitts planted the seed for ANNs by linking neuroscience and computation. Today's deep learning, which drives most modern AI breakthroughs, owes its existence to these foundational ideas. Follow us for more on AI and Web3! 8/8
McCulloch & Pitts planted the seed for ANNs by linking neuroscience and computation.
McCulloch & Pitts planted the seed for ANNs by linking neuroscience and computation. Today's deep learning, which drives most modern AI breakthroughs, owes its existence to these foundational ideas. Follow us for more on AI and Web3! 8/8
Frank Rosenblatt's Perceptron introduced weights in 1957, making the model adaptable. Later, the backpropagation algorithm allowed for training multi-layer neural networks. It led to advancing the field and making deep learning possible. 7/8
Frank Rosenblatt's Perceptron introduced weights in 1957, making the model adaptable.
Frank Rosenblatt's Perceptron introduced weights in 1957, making the model adaptable. Later, the backpropagation algorithm allowed for training multi-layer neural networks. It led to advancing the field and making deep learning possible. 7/8